May 21, 2010

Midweek Summary

The weather has been particularly good this week. Here's a midweek summary:

Sun  - 32 @ 8:39 min/mile
Mon - 2 @ 9:00 min/mile
Tue  - 8 @ 8:08 min/mile
Thu  - 23.2 @ 7:38 min/mile

Just keeping the runs simple. I won't be doing anything crazy this week. This is week -2 for the upcoming race. Next week will be the official taper week. I've had trouble tapering during my previous marathons but it worked out anyways. This race is going to be different. I will need all the legs I can muster to make sure I don't DNF and finish the race in a reasonable time. You don't have to quit the race to DNF; there are two hard cutoff times to meet @ miles 21.7 and 35.4. So, yes next week is all about taper.


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