Looks like our short good weather streak is ending. It was chilly today and I had to use two layers (Oh yes, I'm a cold wimp) and the temperature tonight is going back to the 20s. Jay had his "power yoga" class in Canton so I first ran to his place and then we headed over to Canton. On the way I had a very nasty fall but could not assess it at first due the layers. Today's fall was bad but could've been worse. I have deep bruises on my elbows. The bruises on the knee from my last fall is barely healed. I try to be careful while running, I don't run with music and still I've lost my balance several times over uneven pavements and a lot of times it's because of really sloppy municipality work. It's frustrating as an urban runner but we really can't complain about them, can we? Baltimore roads are full of such pavement traps. Sometimes I dream about landing up with an academic job in a runner friendly place like Colorado.
Distance: 13.05 Time: 01:46:45
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