I'm really anticipating the Celtic Solstice run and have been taking it easy for the last three days. Wednesday, I worked out at the gym (core, shoulder) and have been saving myself yesterday and today. That also did a lot of good to my work. Another thing that's helping is my new computer. I recently got a new computer, which means I'll have to be very, very frugal for the next few months.

Nervous about tomorrow's race weather. If reports can be believed, we're expecting at least 20 inches of snow.

Crazy weather. If it snows bad, the race might turn into a fun run. In any case, I want to just head out and run! Need motivation to run in bad weather? David Goggins post today speaks to my heart:
Life is not always going to be this care free happy place that we would like it to be. What life throws at you is a lot of negativity. It's what you do with that negativity that makes you a stronger human being ... Failure is an option. It's what you do with the failure that makes you who you are. Our failures mold us. [more]
Richard Whitehead; Chicago 2009 - 2:50:38
Photo courtesy: Runner's World Magazine
Did you make it to the Solstice 5M? I live out in the suburbs and decided against it since I don't have what you'd call a snow worthy car and there was at least 6" on the ground when it was time to head over. It pains me to have missed the run this morning.
Hey Brett! I've been reading your blog a for a few days now. Awesome!
I ran the race but had to do it untimed due to a problem with my registration. It was freezing cold and only around 300 or so people showed up due to the storm!
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